Consular services

  PASSPORT AND VISA:    Tuesday through Thursday 10:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.    (BY APPOINTMENT ONLY)
  OFFICE HOURS:    Monday through Friday 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.



With Jurisdiction over these States:    Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and  Vermont.



   By subway:  51st Street station (Green local stop) or Lexington Av/ 59th Street station (Blue E line or Orange M line). We are located at the intersection of 50th Street and 1st Avenue (walk towards the dead-end).
   By bus:  If you come from downtown take the M15 and stop at 1st Avenue & Mitchell Place.If you come from uptown take the M15 and stop at 2nd Avenue & 50th Street. Walk to the intersection of 50th Street and 1st Avenue (walk towards the dead-end).


The Consulate General will be closed on the following holidays:

      New Year’s Day

      Martin Luther King’s Birthday (January 15)

      President’s Day (February 19)

      Memorial Day (May 27)

      Juneteenth Day (June 19)

      Independence Day (July 4)

      Labor Day (September 2)

  Indigenous People’s Day (Columbus Day) (October 14)

  Veteran’s Day - Half Day (November 11)

  Thanksgiving (November 28)

  Christmas (December 25) - Traveling / Entry into Luxembourg